All kids are sensitive. We come into the world purely as sensory beings responding to sensory stimuli: lights, sounds, textures, internal hunger cues, pressure, proprioceptive input about where our head and limbs are in space, and a felt sense of skin-to-skin connection. Kids learn about themselves and the world through curiosity about sensation (what happens if I spin my body around a bunch of times? What happens if I let go of my spoon from up here? What happens if I bang these 2 blocks together?).
My invitation to myself this summer is to explore the things my senses loved as a little one as a pathway back to sensitivity and connection. Things like….
Finger paint
Chewing sour grass
Floating with my ears under water
Laying in the grass and watching the clouds change shapes
Blowing bubbles
Making daisy chains
Were you a highly sensitive child? What did your sensory system love when you were little?
p.s. I would love to practice yoga with you! Check out my free practice bundles HERE.