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Have you ever been told you are "too much"?
An exercise to expand your sensitivity
Are you able to experience pleasure without guilt?
The quickening of spring
Emotional processing IS sensory processing
I've spent most of my life trying to "fit into the box"
Are you experiencing burnout?
Why I stopped trying to "control" my emotions
Mindset isn't everything
Do you find celebrations to be overwhelming and draining?
Why is "awe" such an important state?
What is your nervous system "beauty edge"?
My transition to motherhood as an HSP
My young adulthood as an HSP
My childhood and adolescence as an HSP
My earliest HSP memory
I come from a lineage of eldest daughters
On Boredom
What are the ingredients for inspiration?
My writing journey: from chore to joy
How motherhood and the pandemic have changed me
How to manage unhealthy cravings